Although stinging insects such as bees, wasps, and hornets are beneficial to our environment, they can become a big problem for homeowners and businesses.

They can disrupt outdoor activities and are responsible for sending over 500,000 people to the emergency room each year in the United States.

The pest control experts at Pestcor have the expertise to perform an inspection of your property, looking for areas that are most likely to attract the pests. We will help you determine the best steps to take to prevent future infestations, as well as safely eliminating the current infestation.

Stinging Insect Control & Pest Management

Controlling nesting around your home should be an important consideration when managing your property during the warmer months. While there is no way to completely prevent certain types of bees and other stinging insects from flying onto your property and making a nest, it helps to have a trained professional on the job to monitor for them and treat when needed.

Wasp Control

Wasps are known for building their nests in places where people love to gather and they aggressively defend their nests.

Wasps also don’t lose their stingers, meaning they can sting someone multiple times. This makes them particularly dangerous to those who have allergic reactions to stinging insects.

A Pestcor pest technician will locate wasp nests and safely eliminate the threat. We will identify any problem areas and provide the most effective solutions for keeping you and your loved ones safe. Whether it’s a one-time treatment or a year-round pest control solution, we’ve got you covered!

Hornet Control

Hornets are the largest of the eusocial wasps and look very similar to the yellowjacket, which is a close relative. Some can actually grow to be over two inches in length!

Although it’s more common to see paper wasps and yellowjackets hanging around your home, it’s still fairly common to see hornets.

European Hornets like to create their nest near locations, such as:

  • Porches
  • Between voids in walls
  • Attics
  • Thick Shrubs or Bushes
  • Branches and hollow parts of trees

A Pestcor pest specialist will thoroughly inspect your property to identify the stinging insect along with the nesting area and determine the type of hornet treatment plan that is needed.

Other Stinging Insects


If you believe you have a honey bee issue on your property or in your home, we highly recommend contacting a local beekeeper to come and try to safely relocate them.  Pestcor will only treat a honey bee infestation if all other options have been exhausted first.

Carpenter Bees
Carpenter Bees

While Carpenter Bees can do tremendous damage to the wood on the outside of your home, they very rarely sting.  In fact, only the females have stingers and they will only use them if they absolutely must.  Rather than sting, they prefer to try and intimidate people by dive-bombing at their head in hopes that they will be left alone.

Treatment for carpenter bees involves the treatment of the nesting holes themselves as well as a thorough exterior treatment of your home or the building in which they are infesting.