Wasp on Window

How To Effectively Keep Stinging Insects Away From Your Home

3 Minutes

It’s summer, baby! The Sun is screaming hot, the pool is open, and everything is in full bloom. This also means that some not so welcomed guests might be buzzing around all these fun outdoor activities you have planned on your property.

These little party crashers can be looming in the most unexpected places ready to swoop in on your guests at the slightest disturbance. Moreover, if someone is allergic and has a severe allergic reaction to a sting, it could be life-threatening.

There are dozens of types of stinging insects that can be found in Pennsylvania in the summer, including bees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, mud daubers, and more. Many of these stinging pests can be mostly harmless and are beneficial insects to the environment. But other stinging insect species can be downright aggressive and territorial.

Here are a handful that might make themselves at home around your home:

Types of Stinging Insects Found in Pennsylvania


  • Scoliid Wasp
  • European Paper Wasp
  • Northern Paper Wasp
  • Eastern Cicada Killer Wasp
  • Great Black Wasp


  • Bumble Bee
  • Honey Bee
  • Carpenter Bee
  • Sweat Bee
  • Cuckoo Bee


  • Bald-faced Hornet
  • European Hornet

The Yellow Jacket is a predatory insect native to North America that constructs a massive nest to shelter its population.
Yellow Jackets

  • Eastern Yellow Jacket

Steps To Prevent An Infestation of Stinging Insects

It’s highly suggested to consult a pest professional considering the danger of stinging insects but there are definitely proactive steps you can take to avoid an unwanted infestation.

Sweet Things Should Be Covered and/or Removed

Make sure all sugary items are hidden or covered if you’re having a dinner or party in your backyard. Some stinging insects are suckers for sweets, so if you have a lot of sweets at your festivity, they will not hesitate to fly in and take advantage of the readily available sweet treats.

Remove any remaining food as soon as possible after the celebration and seal any garbage cans. You should also take away bird food, nectar, and pet food.

Maintain Your Home’s Interior and Exterior

Stinging insects love to build their nests in broken panels, holes in soffits, gaps, damaged screens, and other crevices. You may encourage stinging insects to nest elsewhere by keeping your house and yard well-maintained.

Keep Your Yard Well Maintained

The same rule applies to your yard for stinging insect prevention. That’s because some wasps, such as yellow jackets, construct their nests in ground holes, and you definitely don’t want to drive your lawnmower over one of them!

Keep up with your yard maintenance and plug in any holes caused by rodents and other small woodland creatures on a regular basis.

Plant Things Like Flowers & Gardens Away From Your Home

Like we’ve mentioned before – stinging insects love sweet things. This includes things like flowers and other vegetables that might be found in your home garden. Stinging pests like wasps and hornets also prey on the other insects that are attracted to your garden.

So, consider growing primarily non-flowering plants in your garden or keeping flowering plants to the perimeter.

Lay Off Using Too Much Sweet Perfume Outdoors

Stinging insects are not only attracted to the sweet meals you provide at home, but also to the sweet scents you wear. It is acceptable to use a little amount, but excessive usage is not advised, especially if you have wasps or yellow jackets around your home.

Contact A Pennsylvania Pest Control Expert

When everything else fails and stinging insects persist, seek the help of a pest professional in Pennsylvania. A local pest control professional is well-versed in all of the insects, bugs, and pests that could infest your property. If an infestation occurs, Pestcor’s pest professionals are well-versed in dealing with and eradicating these types of pests, so it will not be an issue and you can enjoy all the outdoor activities you have planned this summer. Contact us today to see how we can help!