We all know that bees play a critical part in our ecosystem. They pollinate flowers and nearly 84% of all crops consumed by humans. They also make honey – mmmm, glorious, glorious, honey! However, bees can be a real pain – figuratively and physically – when they decide to build a hive on your property. They can also be a more serious health threat to those that may be allergic to their sting.
A few bees flying around isn’t necessarily a sign of a problem, but if you find bees gathering or swarming over a specific location of your home or business on a regular basis, there’s most likely a hive nearby. Never try to get rid of the bees on your own. Bee swarm removal is a perilous job that demands professional pest control expertise.
In this article we will discuss the average costs to remove a swarm and also some of the costs to repair the damage they leave behind.
How To Get Rid of Bees
The only way to completely eliminate a bee infestation is to remove the hive. Some pest control companies might elect to kill off the hive entirely. Many beekeepers and bee experts, on the other hand, provide live bee removals, which are considered more humane and are usually reserved exclusively for honey bee removal. Regardless of which option you choose, ensure the company or individual is licensed and insured by your state’s agricultural department.
Most pest control companies are prepared to deal with a variety of stinging insects like wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets in addition to honeybees. The removal methods, on the other hand, differ from one stinging insect to the next. Below is a link to an article to help you identify what kind of stinging insect you might be dealing with on your property.
Article: Pennsylvania Stinging Insects: An Identity Guide
Bee and Beehive Removal Prices
The average cost of removing bees is around $500 with more complicated tasks costing up to $800 or more. A structural infestation (within a wall) can be highly costly, costing anywhere from $1,000 to $2,000 in repair and reconstruction expenditures. The entire cost will be determined by the size, accessibility, and location of the beehive.
Hives in walls and ceilings are difficult to reach and cause structural damage. Extermination fees do not include ceiling and wall repairs.
Bee Hive Damage Repair Cost Estimates:
- Drywall Repair: $275-$750 or more
- Ceiling Repair: $300-$1,000 or more
- Deck Repair: $250-$2,500 or more
- Soffit Replacement Fees: $6-$20 per linear foot
- Crawl Space Pest Removal Fees: $150-$500
Bee Hive Relocation vs. Extermination
A healthy hive should be relocated rather than exterminated when possible. Hives are dwindling due to Colony Collapse Disorder. Keeping these insects alive is a top priority because of their importance to agriculture and the ecosystem.
Beekeepers will occasionally remove healthy honey bee hives for free, leaving the hive and honey behind. Most beekeepers and bee removal services, on the other hand, will charge the same as or more than an exterminator.
Most extermination companies recommend contacting a local beekeeper and collaborating with them to facilitate live relocation. However, live removal isn’t always possible.
Carpenter Bee Extermination Costs
Carpenter bee control costs anywhere from $125 to $500 or more depending on your home (vinyl siding versus log cabin). Carpenter bees do not live in a huge hive since they are not social. They harm homes by burrowing into unprotected wood. Even though the damage is minor at first, the progeny dig their own tunnels nearby. Over time, you’ll have dozens of wooden burrows that wreak havoc on your home’s structure.
Prevention of Future Bee Infestations
Though it is impossible to completely eliminate infestations, there are several steps you may do to lessen the risk.
- Keep an eye out for swarms from March through July. This is when most swarms start looking for a new place to live.
- Keep trash and debris out of your yard. Don’t provide them with an appropriate environment.
- Your home’s exterior should be sealed. Cracks in soffits and siding provide a dry, warm location for a hive to be built.
- All honey and honeycombs from past infestations should be removed. They can attract other swarms searching for a place to call home.
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